In June, Americans Headed to Travel Sites

onlinetravelTravel sites saw a surge in activity in June as travelers browsed hot summer deals and booked vacation getaways. But that’s not all the online activity seen in June … Americans also turned to online gaming and teen sites to occupy themselves with online leisure pursuits as the school year ended.

“Summer vacation typically brings an increase in online travel planning, while those who stick around home during the summer spend more of their time doing fun things online, particularly gaming,” said Jeff Hackett, senior vice president of comScore Media Metrix.

More than 100 million Americans visited travel sites during the month … making their travel transactions online for both transportation and places to stay., a tour booking website, ranked #1 in the transaction site category, while Marriott ranked as the top hotel/resort property, growing 16 percent to 6.5 million visitors. Disney Travel gained 5% more traffic in the month of June.

Also in the month of June, activity flourished at Teen sites as students on summer vacation looked for ways to spend their free time.

Top sites included the usual suspects, Google and Yahoo! with 179 million and 170 million visitors respectively.

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About the author

As The Genre Traveler, Carma Spence loves to view the world through Genre-Coloured glasses. In other words, she sees the world through a lens of science fiction, fantasy, and horror, where trash cans can be Daleks in disguise and neighborhood forests can harbor faeries and sprites. Magic realism is real! Or at least you can choose to see the world that way to add to the fun and awe of life.