I just got back from Haunt X and you’re my first contact — after saying hello to my husband and dog, that is. It was incredible. I’m exhausted. I was there Friday night through this afternoon. I was so busy checking out the sights, talking with people and taking notes at the seminars I attended that I just plain forgot about picture taking. I only got two from last night’s Dance of the Decayed.
There were some great costumes. The girl in the one below won best female costume. I tried to get the best male costume but the pictures just didn’t turn out. There was even a guy there dressed up as one of the Knights Who Say Ni (Monty Python’s Holy Grail). I tried several times to get his picture. Man, taking photos in a darkened room sucked.
Anyway, I’ve made some contacts with some really cool people who’ll be showing up in the pages of future issues of The Genre Traveler and the Interim Update, including artists, actors, a special makeup effects guy with a really cool name, and possibly a director or two. I’ll be writing a bunch of stories for RabidDoll.com, too. Once they’re posted (for now on AirlockAlpha.com (scroll to the bottom of the page), because Rabid Doll doesn’t launch until June), I’ll post the links here.
Well, I’ gotta slog through two days of email, so I’ll chat with you later. Oh, and if any of you happened to be there, please post a comment. Thanks!