Are You LOST?

A LOST fan, that is? Well then, get your buns over to Los Angeles for the LOST Weekend Fan Party 2007 to be held March 30 through April 1. This gathering of LOST fans features a charity silent auction benefitting the Children’s Defense Fund-California, the favorite charity of Lost creator J.J. Abrams, creator of the popular TV series.

Please note that this is a fan party and not a convention. Although stars and behind-the-scenes professionals from the show often do attend, it is not gauranteed that any will attend. And if they do, please don’t ask for autographs, as autographs may be part of the charity auction.

But don’t be glum. It looks like I’ll be attending the main event on March 31, so you can always flag me down and say “Hi!” OK, I’m not a celebrity, but you could always pretend. I’d be happy to give you my autograph in case I do become a famous author or something. 🙂


What: LOST Weekend Fan Party 2007

Where: The Hollywood Renaissance Hotel in L.A./Hollywood, California

When: March 30 through April 1
The main event will be held Saturday, March 31, from 8 p.m. to midnight

Cost: Early bird ticket price for the weekend is $130, which includes the Friday night pre-party and the Saturday night main chairty event.

For More Information:

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About the author

As The Genre Traveler, Carma Spence loves to view the world through Genre-Coloured glasses. In other words, she sees the world through a lens of science fiction, fantasy, and horror, where trash cans can be Daleks in disguise and neighborhood forests can harbor faeries and sprites. Magic realism is real! Or at least you can choose to see the world that way to add to the fun and awe of life.