Madonna Wears Genre Coloured Glassess

The other day I started watching Madonna videos on YouTube and I noticed something: Many of them had a genre sensibility. I would embed them to share with you, but embedding has been disabled, so I’ll just send you off to YouTube to see for yourself.

madonna-frozen “Frozen”
The video for this song features Madonna looking like a raven-haired sorceress out on the cracked earth of a desert. At one point, it looks like she transforms into a black dog.
madonna-nothingreallymatters “Nothing Really Matters”
Her movements are strange, but the imagery hearkens to Japanese horror films, with scores of Asian zombie/ghosts.
madonna-bedtimestory “Bedtime Story”
This video features imagery that calls forth Metropolis, Big Brother, The Arabian Tales and, perhaps, eighteenth century fantasy.

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About the author

As The Genre Traveler, Carma Spence loves to view the world through Genre-Coloured glasses. In other words, she sees the world through a lens of science fiction, fantasy, and horror, where trash cans can be Daleks in disguise and neighborhood forests can harbor faeries and sprites. Magic realism is real! Or at least you can choose to see the world that way to add to the fun and awe of life.