WARNING: The content of this podcast is a bit controversial. My guest talks about how alien races affected human civilization and some may see what he has to say as heretical.
In Episode 9, I chat with Dr. Bryan Carlile about his novels, Romancing Jehovah and Immortal Dying, as well as his theories on alien life. He has taken his interest in UFOs and a degree in comparative religions and created an interesting fictional world with his novels. He also discusses how two alien races — the Elohim and the Anunnaki — visited Earth long ago and exerted an effect on ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Mayans and the Aztecs. I can’t say I necessarily agree with all Dr. Carlile has to say, but it did make for an interesting conversation.
To help defray the cost of hosting the podcast, archived episodes greater than four months old will be made available for sale at $0.99 per episode.
Duration: 31:07
File Size: 35.7 MB
You can listen to a snippet here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WosOMGIT-qM
For more information about Dr. Bryan Carlile:
For previous episodes, go here.
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