A recent Harris Poll sought to uncover if Americans are reading, what they are reading and who they are reading. The results show that genre fiction is a favorite among American readers.
Among those who say they read at least one book in an average year, 79% have read a fiction book in the past year. Among those who read fiction, almost half (48%) read mystery, thriller and crime books, while one-quarter read science fiction (26%).
Although mysteries and thrillers topped the fiction reading list, a horror author topped the list of favorite authors. Stephen King beat out James Patterson, John Grisham, Nora Roberts, J.D. Rob and Tom Clancy for the title of America’s favorite author. Dean Koontz also made the list, coming in sixth place. And, would you believe that J.K. Rowling and J.R.R. Tolkien were tied for ninth place?
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