Since I hurt my back a few weeks back, I’ve been catching up on a lot of DVDs in my collection. I’ve watched all the 14 or 16 movies I got through the William Shatner DVD club, as well as worked my way through a few of the movies on my “50 Science Fiction Classics” DVD. In fact, it has inspired me to create a new column or section for The Genre Traveler that will feature movie reviews and information on the locations they were shot in. I think I’ll do the same with books and audio, as well. Anything that makes genre travel more fun — that’s what The Genre Traveler is all about.
Anyway, this leads me to an email I received the other day advertising The B Movie Celebration in Franklin, Ind., coming this August. Here’s their video commercial:
Looks like a lot of fun. I wish I could be there.
For more information, visit