It is a dream of mine that The Genre Traveler be a TV show … maybe something like Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations … only focused on genre locations. I’ve been dreaming a lot about it lately and I thought, what if someone came to me and said, “O.K. We want to make this happen and we’ll start with 9 episodes. What will those episodes be?”
Here’s my answer.
First, some background:
- In an ideal world, the number of episodes per season would be divisible by three so that science fiction, fantasy and horror can get equal play.
- Also, I think that all three world conventions … because they move and they are the biggies … should be featured every season.
The following episodes are not necessarily in order.
Science Fiction Episodes
World Science Fiction Convention 2010
The Genre Traveler goes down under to the 68th World Science Fiction Convention in Melbourne, Australia. She chats it up with author Kim Stanley Robinson, Aussiecon Chair Robin Johnson, and genre artist Shaun Tan. Along the way, she visits the dealer’s room, checks out the art show, converses with local fans and even does a field trip or two to see where films such as Salem’s Lot, Where the Wild Things Are and Queen of the Damned were shot. |
Science Fiction Museum in Seattle, Washington
In which The Genre Traveler gets a grand tour and a behind-the-scenes look at the Science Fiction Museum. Then, she takes a tour of “genre” Seattle, checking out locals where films such as The Last Mimzy, Cthulhu, The Ring 2, Ring, Rose Red, Practical Magic, Starman and War Games were shot. |
Science Fiction in Wine Country
The Genre Traveler visits Northern California for a tour of Skywalker Ranch, and visits various locations used in genre films and books, such as Dr. Doolittle, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Monkeybone, Star Trek IV, and more. Along the way, she tastes some fine wine, reminisces about growing up in Sonoma County and bumps into the director of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Francis Ford Coppola. |
Fantasy Episodes
World Fantasy Convention 36
The Genre Traveler heads out to Colmbuas, Ohio, to shoot the breeze with World Fantasy Convention guests of honor, novelist Dennis L. McKiernan, writer and editor Esther M. Friesner, famed editor David G. Hartwell, and professional illustrator Darrell K. Sweet. Of course, she also checks out the vendor’s room, chats up some local fans and generally enjoys the festivities planned. Then she heads north to Cleveland to visit locations used in such genre films as Spider-Man 3, Howard the Duck and Double Dragon. |
The Land of Oz
Wizard of Oz author, Frank L. Baum used the L.A. cityscape as inspiration for the Emerald City of Oz. The Genre Traveler takes you through a fantastic voyage of the City of Angels, as seen through the eyes of fantasy authors and filmmakers, including Ray Bradbury, Joss Whedon and more. |
Children’s Fairyland, Oakland, Calif.
The Genre Traveler embraces her inner child for a voyage through the 10-acre Children’s Fairyland park in Oakland, California. With some time to spare, she also visits the locations of such Oakland-shot films as Burnt Offerings, A View to a Kill and Phantasm. |
Horror Episodes
World Horror Convention
In which The Genre Traveler heads out to Austin, Texas for to scare up some fun at the World Horror Convention. She chats it up with horror comic icon Steve Niles, novelist Sarah Langan, author Joe Hill and artist Vincent Chong, among others. Of course, she take a couple of field trips to see the local genre sites, including filming locations for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies. |
Stephen King’s Maine
Famed master of the macabre, Stephen King takes The Genre Traveler on a tour of his favorite locations in Maine … places he’s used for inspiration, or just plain likes. |
A Day with Rob Zombie
Horror rocker turned horror director, Rob Zombie takes The Genre Traveler ona tour of his favorite haunts, while talking about his career and latest projects. |
Want even more ideas? Here are a few I just would need to research further, but they did come to mind:
- Chackie Chan’s Hong Kong
- A Dracula Tour of Romania
- A Lord of the Rings Tour of Australia
- Tagging Along with The Legend of the Seeker in New Zealand
- Lost in Hawaii
- The Spy Museum in Washington, DC
- The Mothman Festival in Point Pleasant, West Virginia
- Comic Con in San Diego
- Pretty much any science fiction, fantasy or horror convention around the world
- Hiroyuki Sanada’s Tokyo
- A Genre Tour of Prague
- A Very Sanctuary Vancouver (tour of the real and green screen sets, as well as the city
- The UFO Festival in Roswell, New Mexico
Got any ideas of your own? Please share them in a comment below!