So you can get started with your wonderful, genre-travel-filled New Year, Episode 15 is a little shorter than usual. This week, The Genre Traveler chats with biology teacher and science fiction author Lawrence Vincent about his book DNA3, the first in a series. During our 15-20 minutes together, we talk about genetic manipulation, invisible robots, alien races, making science fiction more plausible, alien-human mating and the works that inspired the series.
To help defray the cost of hosting the podcast, archived episodes greater than four months old will be made available for sale at $0.99 per episode.
Duration: 18:23
File Size: 21.1 MB
Mentioned in this Episode:
Invisible meta-materials
- Sight unseen: metamaterials could be used to create invisible ships
- New meta-material doesn’t actually render anything invisible
- Is the army testing an invisible tank?
Planet 581c
Authors Whose Work Inspired DNA3
- Michael Crichton’s Prey (nanoparticles)
- Larry Niven’s Ringworld series (space habitats)
- Greg Bear’s Darwin’s Children (genetic manipulation)
- Robert Doherty’s Area 51 series (believability of aliens)
For more information about Lawrence Vincent:
For previous episodes, go here.
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