I’m working a couple of new sections for The Genre Traveler: Book Reviews and Video Reviews.
The former will include reviews of science fiction, fantasy and horror books that either have a strong sense of place or would make good vacation reads. It will include both traditional books and books on tape.
The latter will include reviews of movies, DVDs, TV shows and other science fiction, fantasy and horror video, highlighting either their strong sense of place or the location in which they were filmed.
If you have suggestions for what I should call these sections, please let me know! You can either leave your suggestion as a comment to this blog post (and even comment on the suggestions of others, or send your suggestion to editor@thegenretraveler.com.
In the mean time, I found this interesting book review in Cosmos, a cool science magazine hailing from Australia.
The Outcast: An Anthology of Exiles and Strangers
As an aside, I searched Amazon.com (US Version) and could not find this book. Also, the “Buy from Amazon.com” link on the review page doesn’t pull it up for me. Therefore, I think it may only be available in Australia or s not yet published. If you find out anything , let me know. Sounds like a good book.