My computer crashed on Friday, taking half my email and a chunk of treasured photos of my dog with it. My husband worked diligently for 5 days trying to get it to run again. Finally, yesterday I was able to access my email and files. However, now my browser, Safari, will not allow me to access secure URLs, such as my blogger account.
So, my husband spent all night re-installing the OS and, still, Safari will not let me get to secure websites. However, IE will. One thing, though. I can’t see any of my queued posts. I think I had a few posts lined up to publish this week, but I can’t see them. So I can’t poste them.
Arg! I’m so frustrated. This ruins my whole blogging ability and experience.
I really need a new computer. This one was purchased in 1998 and is being pushed to run a modern OS.
The darn thing is, I’m between jobs and my side businesses are not taking off like they should.
I’m really bummed. I’m totally passionate about the potential of The Genre Traveler. I truly believe it can offer a valuable — and much needed — service, but I need funds in order to grow it. That is, in part, why I launched the Photo Contest. That, and I really wanted to give back to the community. Readers chose Clarion West as the charity, but only two people have entered the contest.
So, have two options:
1) Extend the deadline and hope that will get people to enter.
2) Cancel the contest and refund the entrants’ money.
I’ll probably end up doing both. But then, again, people could just be procrastinating to the last minute …
Thanks for letting me share. I’ll probably be back to my chipper self in no time. 🙂