Me And My Gypsy Ways

gypsy.jpgOnce upon a time, I lived in Southern California, and it was good.

Then I got married, moved to Northern California. Moved to Florida. Moved to Texas. Moved to Arizona. Moved to Maryland. And then moved back to Southern California.

Well, I’ve been here a year and it is now time to pick up my Tarot cards and tambourine and move again — this time to Phoenix, Az. (Again.)

Why am I telling you this? Because it impacts the posts I make to this blog. Due to the nature of what I post here, I can’t pre-schedule posts to keep going while I pack, move and then unpack. So, if you notice a few less posts — possibly even a week or two without them — never fear. I’m just in the throes of moving and will return to posting again once I’ve settled.

Share your travels!

About the author

As The Genre Traveler, Carma Spence loves to view the world through Genre-Coloured glasses. In other words, she sees the world through a lens of science fiction, fantasy, and horror, where trash cans can be Daleks in disguise and neighborhood forests can harbor faeries and sprites. Magic realism is real! Or at least you can choose to see the world that way to add to the fun and awe of life.